Buhler Acquires Pelleting Die Manufacturer TijdhofBuhler Acquires Pelleting Die Manufacturer Tijdhof
May 6, 2011
The Buhler Technology Group acquired Tijdhof Persmatrijzen, with headquarters in Oldenzaal, Netherlands, effective the end of April 2011. This manufacturer of dies and rollers for feed pellet mills will be integrated in the Feed & Biomass business unit. The acquisition allows Buhler to strengthen its customer service and to grow its customer base.
Tijdhof Persmatrijzen, which was set up 30 years ago, specializes in the manufacture of high-grade pelleting dies and rollers, which it supplies to the animal feed and biomass industries worldwide. The family-owned company, which boasts cutting-edge production equipment and operates its own vacuum hardening shop, will be integrated in Feed & Biomass business units of Buhler (Grain Processing division). The management and the roughly 20 employees will be retained by the company, which will continue under the Buhler Tijdhof product brand.
The acquisition allows Buhler to supply its customers with all the wear and spare parts of a pellet mill from its own single in-house source, including consulting services. To date, the pelleting dies had been purchased from outside sources.
In the production of animal feeds or wood pellets, the material is forced through the holes of a die. The quality of the die has a crucial impact on its service life so that customers attach the utmost importance to its manufacturing quality and precision.
Buhler is a global leader in the field of process engineering, in particular production technologies and services for making foods and engineering materials. Buhler operates in more than 140 countries and has a global payroll of about 7800. In fiscal 2010, the Buhler Group generated sales of CHF 1,907 million.
For more information, visit www.buhlergroup.com.
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