Tower Units Extend Reach, Improve Aiming of Dust Suppression EquipmentTower Units Extend Reach, Improve Aiming of Dust Suppression Equipment
August 16, 2012

DCT offers a family of tower mounts for the company’s atomized misting equipment that extends droplet hang time and range, while providing more precise aiming capability. Complementing a product line that includes wheeled carriages and skid mounts, by delivering millions of 50-200-micron droplets per minute from above dust-generating activities, tower-mounted units help commercial operations achieve superior particle control and prevent dust from migrating off-site. The new tower designs were developed specifically to address ongoing operations that generate dust in fixed locations. They are well suited for slag handling, aggregate processing, recycling operations, and coal handling. Any of the fan-driven units can be modified to address specific particle sizes or service environments.
Dust Control Technology, Peoria, IL 800-707-2204
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