High-Ratio Baghouse Dust CollectorHigh-Ratio Baghouse Dust Collector

March 21, 2012

1 Min Read
High-Ratio Baghouse Dust Collector

The SPJ-BL Series baghouse is a high-ratio unit that features a patented nozzle-cleaning system and internal high side inlet baffles. The SPJ-BL offers a heavy-duty and rugged design for various fibrous dust applications. This series is ideal for 1000 to 5000 CFM, depending upon the dust type, and features all-welded construction. Standard hopper discharge options include a 55-gal drum and 20-cu-ft cart on wheels. Bags are easily accessed from the front via a large door. All SPJ-BL collectors are on-line, self-cleaning units with a solid-state timer board. Operation efficiency and bag life are guaranteed in writing. Scientific Dust Collectors, Alsip, IL 708-597-7090 www.scientificdustcollectors.com

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