Ground Plate CollectorGround Plate Collector
February 13, 2017

The Ground Plate Collector (GPC) features a sloped spiral inlet and fixed ground plate that allow for a compact size and ability to be installed horizontally with virtually no effect on collection efficiency.
The inlet directs the dirty airstream toward the ground plate and hopper of the cyclone. The ground plate forces the vortex reversal in a much shorter space to eliminate the long tapered body necessary with standard cyclones. As the dirty airstream strikes the convex ground plate, the particles are deflected into the hopper. The ground plate also acts as a barrier between the separation chamber and the collection hopper.
The GPC can be 1/3 the height of a standard high-efficiency cyclone. It can provide up to 80,000+ ACFM, including sizes up to 2000 ACFM with the dirty air side volume less than 8 cu ft in accordance with NFPA 654.
Aerodyne, Chagrin Falls, OH 440-543-7400
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