Continuous Dust Accumulation Monitor Receives PatentContinuous Dust Accumulation Monitor Receives Patent
Patent issued to Industrial Intelligence Inc.
May 12, 2022
The US Patent Office has issued US Patent no. 11,300,493 to Industrial Intelligence Inc. for its continuous dust accumulation monitor.
Combustible dust accumulation can now be monitored 24/7 with alerts when predetermined dust depths have been reached. The monitor will communicate with a facility’s data acquisition system or sent to a cloud-based data acquisition system. The device is designed to be certified for use in hazardous locations (HazLoc).
While there are monitors on the market that measure the dust in the air, there are no devices measuring dust accumulation. Unchecked dust accumulation increases the conditions of an explosion or deflagration (chain reaction) to occur. Monitoring how much dust has accumulated on surfaces is a proactive way to prevent fires and explosions because it gives personnel time to correct the situation.
Currently, combustible dust accumulation is monitored by manual methods that are time consuming and not sufficiently reliable. “We are the first known company in North America that is solving the dust accumulation monitoring problem with modern technology,” said George Armbruster, founder and CEO of Industrial Intelligence.
The majority of dust created in manufacturing and processing facilities is combustible, and these companies are concerned about fires and explosions. Combustible dust igniting in facilities injures workers, costs lives, and causes millions of dollars in asset lost each year.
Recently, there has been an effort by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to address combustible dust. It is Industrial Intelligence’s goal to give companies the data they need to help prevent combustible dust fires and explosions in order to save lives and capital.
Industrial Intelligence, Williamsburg, VA 757-232-6557
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