Clariant Boosts Emission Control Catalysts CapacityClariant Boosts Emission Control Catalysts Capacity

The company is increasing production volumes of the product to meet rising demand across the globe.

John S. Forrester, former Managing Editor

July 26, 2021

2 Min Read
Image courtesy of Clariant

Specialty chemicals firm Clariant recently completed a project at its Clariant Catalysts location in Heufeld, Germany to increase the site’s production capacity for emission control catalysts by 100%, according to a company announcement issued Monday.

Clariant installed new state-of-the-art production equipment for emission control catalysts during the expansion. The Heufeld plant now has two production units that occupy a combined area of 1500 sq m. A number of quality controls have been implemented in the facility and the location has received certification for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001.

“As governmental emission control standards are intensified around the world, our customers can rely on the ample supply of our innovative EnviCat catalysts to effectively and cost-efficiently meet the most stringent targets,” said Stefan Heuser, senior vice president and general manager of Clariant Catalysts, in a statement.

The catalysts remove harmful chemicals with a conversion efficiency of 99% or higher and are used in chemical plants, stationary engines and turbines, and other applications. Products sold under the EnviCat brand include catalysts for removing harmful emissions, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, and ammonia.

Demand for emission control catalysts is accelerating, especially in China where legislation recently was introduced to boost air quality. According to Clariant, 56 Chinese chemical manufacturers upgraded their facilities with Clariant emission control catalysts during 2020.

The company said it is seeing strong demand from producers of acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and propane dehydrogenation (PDH) operations.

Clariant’s Heufeld plant produces over 500 types of emission control catalysts.

Powder & Bulk Solids reported in March that Clariant officially opened its new One Clariant Campus in Shanghai, China. The new, 24,000-sq-m site will house its operational headquarters and an innovation center to support customers in the country.

About the Author

John S. Forrester

former Managing Editor, Powder & Bulk Solids

John S. Forrester is the former managing editor of Powder & Bulk Solids.

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