Chemical Leak Reported at Indorama PlantChemical Leak Reported at Indorama Plant
A mixture of pyronaptha leaked as workers were emptying a tank for maintenance at the firm’s Sulphur, LA facility.

Emergency personnel were sent to the Indorama plant in Sulphur, LA on June 10 after a mixture of pyronaptha leaked as workers were emptying a vessel for maintenance, local television news station KPLC reported. A company official told the broadcaster that the material released from the tank has benzene in it.
Part of a roadway near the plant was shut down after air quality meters found levels of benzene at 1.8 parts per million, Indorama spokesperson Damien Fryoux said to KPLC. Readings on the meters later dropped to non-detectable levels. No offsite impacts occurred.
An estimated two to five barrels were released from the tank during the incident, Fryoux stated.
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