ACC Encouraged by Administration's Principles for Chemicals Management Reform

October 1, 2009

1 Min Read
ACC Encouraged by Administration's Principles for Chemicals Management Reform

At a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, CA, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lisa Jackson introduced the Administration’s principles for modernization of the nation’s Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Representing the leading companies of the business of chemistry, American Chemistry Council (ACC) president and CEO, Cal Dooley, issued the following statement:

“We welcome the Administration’s leadership and its recognition of the critical need to modernize our nation’s 30-year-old federal chemical safety law. We must harness the advances in science and technology over the past three decades to develop a comprehensive law that puts the safety of the American consumer first, while promoting the innovation that will lead to the development of essential new chemical products and new high-paying American jobs. Without a comprehensive approach, the American people will be left with minor adjustments to the current federal regime, and a patchwork of state and federal laws that will not enable a robust chemical management system that can become the gold standard for the world.

“The American Chemistry Council looks forward to working with the Administration, Congress, environmental and animal rights organizations, labor, and others with a stake in this issue, to advance reforms that will promote public confidence in the safety of our products. We are encouraged by what appears to be a high level of alignment between our industry’s and the Administration’s principles for TSCA reform. While there is much work to be done to translate these initiatives into effective regulation, we look forward to working with EPA, and other stakeholders in this process, and will be thoroughly reviewing their principles to identify common ground as well as areas that we believe need further discussion.”

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