New Sustainable Building Material Made from Waste

The composite material adds secondary strength-enhancing polymers, such as in the form of rods.

1 Min Read
Ecogensus new sustainable building material
Ecogensus, a leader in next-gen sustainable resources, advanced synthetic materials, and process technologies, has created a sustainable building material made from waste.Image courtesy of Ecogensus

Ecogensus has unveiled its new structurally reinforced, waste-derived lumber innovation, a significant development toward liberating waste-derived substances for use in additional sustainable building material applications. The company focuses on reducing waste by using recovered resources to create products.

The advanced composites are formed using Ecogensus' Dynamic Organic Repolymerization (DOR) process, which can transform unsorted, mixed household wastes (including high moisture organics, food waste, etc.) into a new polymeric composite material called EGS-6. The structurally reinforced composite adds secondary strength-enhancing polymers, such as in the form of rods.

Ecogensus is conducting further research in methods of cross-linking polymers, such that the EGS-6 composite material becomes bonded to embedded polymer matrices or other solid structures.

"With this new development, we believe Ecogensus is placing itself at the intersection of materials science and sustainable resources," said Bjørnulf Østvik, inventor of this structure and CEO/CTO of Ecogensus. "We are proving that waste-derived material, for example, can be elevated to compete with and even exceed the qualities of legacy materials that are becoming increasingly supply-constrained."

Ecogensus is continuing to develop and enhance its advanced materials, including using waste-derived EGS-6 as a platform substance. EGS-6 is a uniquely high-potential solution as Ecogensus' modular, deployable Rhino Recycler manufacturing systems could enable customers to utilize billions of tons of municipal solid waste as a feedstock raw material (while reducing landfilling and dumping).

Ecogensus plans to continue to develop its infrastructure, industry partnerships, and leverage its growing supplier base and production capabilities to become a global leader in sustainable resources and advanced materials technologies.

The global sustainable resources company was granted its foundational patent for this new product category on July 4, 2023.


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Powder Bulk Solids Staff

Established in 1983, Powder & Bulk Solids (PBS) serves industries that process, handle, and package dry particulate matter, including the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets.

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