Volkmann Opens Vacuum Conveying Test LabVolkmann Opens Vacuum Conveying Test Lab
June 29, 2015

Volkmann Inc. has completed expansion on its U.S. headquarters, located in Bristol, PA, and now offers customers a new, 750-sq-ft dedicated test facility.
This laboratory incorporates a range of the company’s VS Series of vacuum conveyors, including the 200, 250, 350, and 450 models, as well as a variety of feed hoppers and the RNT rip and tip hopper. Two 150-ft runs of 1½- and 2½-in. conveying lines are available to simulate real-world applications in product transfer, and a 20-ft vertical lift can be added where necessary.
The VS series can be used to simulate conveying conditions for powders, granules, particles, tablets, and capsules for customers in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and coatings industries. A PPCVS 170 unit, built specifically for the pharmaceutical industry with a one-piece, gap-free design and polished stainless steel surface, is also available and can be used to test product when necessary.
“We now have the ability to test all sizes of our conveyors and all but the largest vacuum pumps in house,” said Volkmann president, Nick Hayes. “This gives us the opportunity to demonstrate production processes for our customer and iron out any adjustments which might be needed within our laboratory before installation.”
The new test lab also features a specific conference area and a separate static display of all Volkmann conveyors. Volkmann offers its complimentary application-related tests in relation to proposals for system solutions to customers and potential customers.
For more information, 609-265-0101 or visit volkmannusa.com
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