New High-Pressure Screening Technology
August 12, 2015
ALMO Process introduces a new screening technology for high-pressure screening applications. The new Vibrall D 800 HP can screen products under pressure within a pneumatic conveying line. Applications for this technology include flour, starch, and plastic granules. Measuring slightly more than a cubic meter, the Vibrall D 800 HP keeps a low profile in the process flow, while still performing necessary screening duties. It can withstand maximum overpressure up to 2.5 Bar. Design capacity is 25 to 30 metric tons per hour (depending on air flow). The drive motors provide double amplitude oscillation up to 5mm with acceleration of up to 6g. The screener is available in stainless steel 304 and FDA conformance.
ALMO Process, Cincinnati, OH 513-453-6990
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