E-Finity Continuous Dense-Phase Convey SystemE-Finity Continuous Dense-Phase Convey System
April 5, 2012
1 Min Read
E-finity is a patented, continuous dense-phase convey system for fragile materials. Precise pressure monitoring and airflow corrections allow the system to operate efficiently under all conditions, while gently inducing materials through the convey line in slug form. E-finity is ideally suited for granular and pelleted materials, and has proven itself on many projects for pet foods, cereals, nuts, and grains. E-finity air controls can employ a single air source to operate 2-3 different systems simultaneously. The result is cost savings in both equipment and installation, with continued savings in operation and maintenance moving forward. Mac Process, Kansas City, MO 888-831-5301 www.macprocessinc.com
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