Cargill Expanding Potato Starch Production at Danish PlantCargill Expanding Potato Starch Production at Danish Plant

January 29, 2018

2 Min Read
Cargill Expanding Potato Starch Production at Danish Plant
Cargill is expanding its production of potato starch products. Image courtesy of Flickr user johnnyjet

American agribusiness Cargill and its partner, Danish potato starch producer AKV Langholt AmbA, plan to invest $22.5 million in a new production unit for potato starch products at a Langholt plant in Denmark.

The investment will expand production of Cargill’s SimPure portfolio of native starches for food and beverage makers. Operations are slated to commence in mid-2018.

“Consumer demand for products made with familiar, trusted ingredients is increasing rapidly,” Global food starch leader for Cargill, Simon Waters, said in a statement. “However, these ingredients must also stand up to the diverse processing conditions of modern processing. We understand these competing needs and are using state-of-the-art processing techniques [to] make label-friendly starch solutions a reality.”

Cargill’s current starch portfolio includes native, functional native, and modified starches used to enhance the texture and stability of food products like pudding powders and dry soup mixes.

“This investment demonstrates Cargill’s commitment to providing our food manufacturing customers the functional native starches they need to meet the demand of today’s label-conscious consumers,” Waters said.

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