Toilet Paper Maker GP Limits Access to PlantsToilet Paper Maker GP Limits Access to Plants
March 17, 2020
Moving to safeguard its operations amid the COVID-19 crisis, toilet paper manufacturer Georgia-Pacific (GP) said in statement to its employees on Monday that it is limiting access to its production operations to only essential workers, contractors, and vendors.
“Local site leaders are determining who needs to be onsite, and they are making sure any essential visitors practice a variety of COVID-19 preventive measures,” said Christian Fischer, the company’s chief executive officer, in the statement.
Demand for GP’s toilet paper products doubled after American consumers began clearing out nearly all available toilet paper from shelves in supermarkets and big box stores over the last few weeks.
“Our manufacturing operations which produce toilet paper (both for consumer and B2B) are currently operating normally and we are doing our best to meet consumer demand,” the company said in a separate March 14 statement. “We’re doing this through use of existing inventory, increasing our production, and using a managed distribution process to smartly manage through this unusual period.”
Georgia-Pacific said its mills and regional distribution are shipping toilet paper above their normal capacity and that the company is working with customers to reduce shipping times.
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