Screw Conveyor Couplings Reduce DowntimeScrew Conveyor Couplings Reduce Downtime
May 19, 2014

Conveyor Engineering & Manufacturing has developed the Dura-Link coupling to reduce costly screw conveyor downtime. Replacing a screw conveyor component (drive shaft, screw, coupling shaft) typically requires the time-consuming process of moving adjoining components. Dura-Link couplings allow for direct replacement without this costly step. Light-duty, removable key couplings have been available in the past but they have always sacrificed strength and durability. Dura-Link couplings make this option available in a more durable design that is necessary for critical conveyors. According to CEMA, the necessary screw modifications for standard quick links or quick keys reduce pipe strength by approximately 45%. The Snug Wrap design provides couplings that don’t require that compromise.
Conveyor Engineering & Manufacturing, Cedar Rapids, IA 800-452-4027
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