Safety Solutions for Conveyor ApplicationsSafety Solutions for Conveyor Applications
August 1, 2014

Designed to prevent workers from being drawn into a moving return roller, the Martin Return Roller Guard is an economical way to raise safety awareness and reduce injuries. The solid upper section delivers pinch point protection, and the slotted lower area allows visual inspection while preventing contact with the roller. Installation is straightforward, with brackets included to mount the guard directly to either the side or bottom of the stringer. The Martin Return Roller Basket is designed to prevent a return roller from falling in the event of a mechanical failure, recommended for rollers that are more than 7 ft off the ground and out of reach for any workers. Martin Conveyor Guards simplify conveyor guarding to improve plant safety and productivity. The heavy mesh guards allow easy inspection, while keeping moving components and pinch points isolated from workers. The rugged modular design is supported by a supplied angle iron structure, and attachment to the conveyor equipment is not required. Installation is straightforward, with wedge clamps that allow panels to be removed and re-installed quickly.
Martin Engineering, Neponset, IL 800-544-2947
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