Optimum Screw Conveyor HygieneOptimum Screw Conveyor Hygiene
October 13, 2014

Van Beek from the Netherlands has designed and patented the SpeedClean screw cleaning method that speeds up and improves the cleaning of screw conveyor systems and makes them ergonomic.
Hygiene standards for the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and meat and food processing industry are continually being tightened. The cleaning of machines is a priority in these sectors to meet all the stringent hygiene and aseptic requirements. Producers are continually and carefully striving for higher speed cleaning to save costs and claims. In one vertical movement with SpeedClean - including bearings and seals – it lifts into the cleaning position.
Manufacturers normally clean machines under high pressure or with steam in combination with cleaning products and disinfectants. Clean-in-Place (CIP) is a common technique for saving costs in the process industry, where machines clean themselves automatically from the inside out. CIP is difficult for a screw conveyor. It is labor-intensive to clean a screw conveyor, since not all the parts were fully accessible.
The concept of the SpeedClean was designed by Van Beek’s research & development team, and can be used both in screw conveyor systems and screw heat exchangers. The screw of the SpeedClean lifts into the cleaning position in one vertical movement. This includes bearings and seals.
The screw is lifted in a user-friendly and ergonomically correct way. In the cleaning position both the trough and the screw are each separately fully accessible for cleaning and inspection. After cleaning and inspection the screws fall back into the original alignment and positioning.
Watch a video of the SpeedClean system
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