Mechanical Conveyors
November 6, 2014
Spiroflow Systems offers a complete line of flexible screw, Aeroflow aero mechanical, Cableflow tubular cable drag, and Dynaflow tubular chain drag conveyors. A patented integrated Dynamic Auto Rope Tensioner (DART) is available for aero mechanical and Cableflow conveyors that automatically measures and adjusts rope tension and indicates when the rope is worn and needs to be replaced. The DART increases rope life up to 40%. Cableflow tubular cable drag conveyors are ideal for gentle handling, conveying in multiple planes, and transferring friable bulk products from single or multiple in-feed points to single or multiple discharge points with little or no damage. The Dynaflow tubular chain drag conveyors operate within the confines of a pipe and are ideal for heavy-duty applications.
Spiroflow Systems Inc., Monroe, NC 877-294-9595
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