Railcar Vibrator Lifter Accommodates Cleveland VibratorsRailcar Vibrator Lifter Accommodates Cleveland Vibrators

October 7, 2014

2 Min Read
Railcar Vibrator Lifter Accommodates Cleveland Vibrators

Cleveland Vibrator’s line of heavy-duty piston railcar vibrators are now easier to handle without risking back injury thanks to a partnership with The Arnold Co., according to Craig Macklin, vice president of sales and marketing for Cleveland Vibrator.
Based in Trenton, IL, The Arnold Co. re-designed its Rhino railcar vibrator lifter to accommodate Cleveland Vibrator’s 1300, 1350, and 1400 VMRR piston railcar vibrators. The new Rhino features a reduced lifter width, more mobility, and the ability to lift a much heavier load. CVC vibrators are most frequently used in unloading compacted materials in railcar hoppers to eliminate the danger and time associated with climbing around railroad cars to manually dislodge material.
“Workplace standards are changing where lifting heavy objects has become a safety and health issue,” Macklin says. “This solution with The Arnold Co. means you can move our proven, time-tested, powerful railcar piston vibrators without lifting or handling. Thus, we avoid potential on-the-job injuries, while still delivering the best railcar vibrator for our customers.”
The VMRR series of vibrators weigh 76 lb for the 1300 model, 93 lb for the 1350 model, and 165 lb for the 1400 model. Modifications to the Rhino railcar vibrator lifter now enable users to effortlessly insert and remove the heavy CVC vibrators into the cradles on the side of the railcar, thereby eliminating a potential safety and ergonomics issue. Users can operate both the lifter and the vibrator with the same pneumatic supply line.
“Originally, the Rhino was designed to solely lift roller vibrators, but Cleveland Vibrator asked us if our lifter could handle their range of piston railcar vibrators,” adds Albert Middeke, president of The Arnold Co. “We were in the middle of a re-design to the Rhino and were able to come up with a model that met all of the specifications that Cleveland Vibrator required.”
“While railcar vibrators offer a huge benefit in enabling and improving product flow, they are quite heavy, weighing anywhere from 65 to 165 lb. By coming up with a new design for the Rhino, customers of Cleveland Vibrator now have one of the most reliable railcar vibrator lifters on the market,” Middeke says.
Cleveland Vibrator Co., Cleveland, OH 800-221-3298 www.clevelandvibrator.com

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