Micromeritics Introduces New Surface Area Reference Materials
October 22, 2019
Micromeritics Instrument Corp. has introduced a new range of secondary standards that make it easier to demonstrate the highest levels of data integrity when characterizing surface area by gas adsorption.
Traceable to either NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung) standards, the new materials are particularly relevant for analysis in highly-regulated environments, such as the pharmaceutical industry. By routinely analyzing these highly stable, rigorously characterized standards, users of any gas adsorption system – Micromeritics or alternative vendor - can robustly validate instrument performance.
“Gas adsorption systems generate surface area data from measurements of relatively simple parameters such as temperature and pressure and require minimal routine calibration,” said Tony Thornton, director of technical information, Micromeritics. “However, it is good practice to routinely check performance and we’ve provided well-characterized materials to support that activity for some time. The difference with these new reference materials is that they are traceable, to NIST/BAM standards, a distinction that we know is critical to customers in certain industries.”
In total, Micromeritics will offer four traceable secondary surface area standards, one is already in place, two will be released over the next three months, with one more to follow soon. Together the standards span a surface area range of 1 to 175 cu m/g making it possible to select a standard that is well-matched to the vast majority of industrial applications. Each material has been analyzed multiple times, on multiple instruments, including systems from the company’s Gemini, TriStar, 3-Flex, and ASAP ranges, to produce a global average result. Materials are supplied with this result, with associated accuracy limits, and an accompanying test method. The qualification period for the reference materials is ten years with individual sample bottles expiring one year after opening.
“This is a product we’ve been wanting to put in place for some time now,” said Thornton. “I’m delighted it is now available and will be for many years to come. These new reference materials will be a particularly welcome introduction for quality managers looking to demonstrate the highest levels of data integrity, whichever gas adsorption system they are working with.”
Micromeritics Instrument Corp., Norcross, GA 770-662-3636 www.micromeritics.com
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