Micromeritics 3Flex Analyzes Three Samples Simultaneously Each with Own AdsorptiveMicromeritics 3Flex Analyzes Three Samples Simultaneously Each with Own Adsorptive

September 8, 2014

2 Min Read
Micromeritics 3Flex Analyzes Three Samples Simultaneously Each with Own Adsorptive
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A requirement of any method development process is the ability to efficiently apply various investigational conditions to a sample to determine the optimal experimental parameters for increased resolution, accuracy, and characterization. Recent design improvements make the Micromeritics 3Flex the only surface characterization analyzer currently able to analyze three samples simultaneously, each with a different adsorptive.

The high-performance 3Flex vacuum system coupled with minimal system volumes allows for rapid gas supply changes, while maintaining high levels of cleanliness. This design advantage, along with full software control, delivers the ability to apply a different adsorptive to each of the three sample ports in a single analysis run with no system/sample contamination or bleed. The method development chemist can now efficiently apply different run parameters during development to determine the best operating approach to maximize desired results.
See attached image:

1. Zeolite 4A on sample port 1 using hydrogen
2. Zeolite 13X on sample port 2 using nitrogen
3. Zeolite 5A on sample port 3 using argon

Additional design advantages support this new instrument feature. Each analysis port is upgradeable from mesopore to micropore with its own transducers. Servo control for dosing and evacuation provides a higher degree of gas management and speeds the collection of data points through reduction of dosing overshoot. Pneumatically actuated, hard seal valves provide ultra-clean, leak-free instrument operation. Stainless steel gas inlets, VCR fittings, manifold, and gaskets eliminate interference from contaminates and outgassing associated with elastomer seals and O-rings. These chemically resistive surfaces also allow the use of a greater selection of adsorptives. Intuitive MicroActive for 3Flex software gives the user the ability to interactively evaluate isotherm data and reduces the time required to obtain surface area and porosity results.

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