Easier Weight Testing, Free Re-CalibrationEasier Weight Testing, Free Re-Calibration

June 23, 2015

1 Min Read
Easier Weight Testing, Free Re-Calibration
Mettler Toledo offers easier weight testing and free re-calibration

Mettler Toledo announces a limited-time offer for free recalibration* with purchase of CarePac, its carefully designed two-weight solution for easier routine balance testing.

CarePac supports quick, easy testing whenever and wherever weighing assurance is required by eliminating the need for quality assurance teams to maintain extensive test weight sets. Additionally, the ease-of-use CarePac creates helps to ensure that operators are working within the specified tolerances of a given precision process. In turn, this helps to reduce costs associated with regulatory failure and materials disposal.

Available in three sizes supporting the testing of balances up to 8-kg weighing capacity and verification of tolerances down to 0.03%, each set comes in an easy-to-store kit with tweezers and gloves for safe weight handling. A third, customer-specific test weight can be added when required by procedure. However, two weights and CarePac SOPs are generally all that is required to obtain trustworthy results.

CarePac and its testing procedures are United States Pharmacopeia (USP) compliant and are based on Mettler Toldeo’s Good Weighing Practice (GWP).

* This offer is good on CarePac purchases originated from the following countries before September 30, 2015: U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Mexico, and Taiwan. Other restrictions may apply.

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