Crews Put Down Fire at Cargill Ethanol Plant in IowaCrews Put Down Fire at Cargill Ethanol Plant in Iowa
May 29, 2018

Crews from three fire departments responded to a blaze at the Cargill ethanol production plant in Fort Dodge, IA on Sunday, officials told local media.
The fire was apparently caused by a malfunction in a hydraulic line that sent a liquid onto hot pipes, a member of the the Fort Dodge Fire Department told the Fort Dodge Messenger-News.
Staff on site attempted to bring down the flames with fire extinguishers before the fire moved into insulation located under metal shields. Crews had to cut the metal away to gain access to the burning material, Firefighter Jeff Hill said in the Messenger-News’ coverage.
Flames were extinguished within 90 minutes.
Cargill opened its wet mill ethanol plant in 2013 Fort Dodge after acquiring the facility from Tate & Lyle, according to a company press release announcing the beginning of operations at the site.
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