Key Technology Introduces Optical Sorter for IQF ProductsKey Technology Introduces Optical Sorter for IQF Products
Compass identifies and removes foreign material (FM) and product defects to protect food safety and final product quality.

Key Technology, a member of Duravant’s Food Sorting and Handling Solutions group, introduces its Compass optical sorter for individually quick frozen (IQF) products such as fruits, vegetables, seafood, poultry, and meat.
Compass identifies and removes foreign material (FM) and product defects to protect food safety and final product quality. With simplified operation, cleaning, and maintenance, it is an easy-to-use optical sorter.
"On IQF production lines, processors often handle dozens of different products and change over several times a day. Optical sorters for these applications require a great degree of flexibility and must maintain high accuracy despite significant product changes,” said Jack Lee, Duravant group president - food sorting and handling solutions. “Compass’s intuitive user interface and straightforward recipe-driven programming means even entry-level workers with no technical background can easily operate this system to achieve peak performance.”
Compass is ideal for whole products, slices, dices, and crumbles as well as product mixes. Utilizing in-air inspection, this chute-fed sorter “sees” all sides of the product with no blind spots. It detects and rejects plastic, glass, metal, stones, and other FM including extraneous vegetable matter (EVM) like leaves and toxic weeds. Processor-specified product defects are also removed from the line with virtually no false rejects. When inspecting product mixes, Compass can be programmed to ensure the ingredients are correctly proportioned. Located at the end of the processing line, immediately prior to packaging, this advanced sorter helps ensure final product quality.
The ergonomic user interface resembles smart devices for effortless navigation. Engineered from the ground up to maximize sanitation while simplifying cleaning and maintenance requirements, Compass features an open, washdown-compatible design with easy access for personnel.
Recipe-driven programming ensures consistent sort performance on every product run, which is especially valuable in high-changeover applications. Operators can create new recipes for new products or adjust existing recipes to accommodate product changes without assistance from an application engineer or Key service technician.
Key Technology, Walla Walla, WA 509-540-7415
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