DryPro: Metering Options: An Introduction to Bulk Solids Feeding DevicesDryPro: Metering Options: An Introduction to Bulk Solids Feeding Devices

August 19, 2024

1 Hr View

Date: Sep 18, 2024

Duration: 1 Hr

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This webinar will provide an overview of the more common feeding devices used to meter the flow of bulk solids from a storage vessel. Rotary valves, screw feeders, vibratory feeders, and belt feeders will be covered. The various functions of a feeding device will be discussed and some of the relevant material characteristics for feeder selection and design will be introduced.

This information will help attendees select a feeding device for a given material and application, while understanding function, operation, and possible limitations of different feeding devices.

Key takeaways include:

  • Understanding the relationship between the feeding device and the storage vessel supplying material.

  • Explanation of functions a feeder can perform.

  • Overview of rotary valves feeders, screw feeders, vibratory pan feeders, and belt feeders.

  • Relevant product properties when selecting a feeding device.

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