FDA Warns Food Firm Over Use of “Love” in Ingredients LabelFDA Warns Food Firm Over Use of “Love” in Ingredients Label

October 4, 2017

2 Min Read
FDA Warns Food Firm Over Use of “Love” in Ingredients Label
Nashoba Granola. Image courtesy of Nashoba Brook Bakery

It may make the “world go ‘round,” but apparently “love” is not considered a valid food ingredient in the eyes of America’s federal food safety regulator.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter on Sept. 22 calling out Concord, MA-based Nashoba Brook Bakery LLC for its use of “love” in labels for its Nashoba Granola products.

“Your Nashoba Granola label lists ingredient ‘Love’. Ingredients required to be declared on the label or labeling of food must be listed by their common or usual name. ‘Love’ is not a common or usual name of an ingredient, and is considered to be intervening material because it is not part of the common or usual name of the ingredient,” the FDA’s letter said.

The agency alleged the firm misbranded the product, as it failed to comply with federal regulations on food labeling. Investigators determined that the labels were used for both products sold wholesale and at its retail café.

Responding to the warning, Nashoba Brook Bakery Chief Executive Officer John Gates told the Associated Press that the firm was working with federal authorities to resolve the matter, and said publicity around the letter has generated a number of positive comments.

“It taps this feeling that a lot of Americans have that there are ways in which the government can overreach, and it seems kind of silly,” Gates said in the AP story. “Because it’s about the word love, it’s cathartic. … It makes it something that people can smile at.”

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