Dryer Fire Put Out at Food Processing Plant in N.C.Dryer Fire Put Out at Food Processing Plant in N.C.

August 14, 2019

1 Min Read
Dryer Fire Put Out at Food Processing Plant in N.C.
A view of the Natural Blend plant in Farmville, NC. Image courtesy of Google Maps

Several fire departments worked on Monday to douse a blaze in a piece of drying equipment at the Natural Blend plant in Farmville, NC, according to a report by television news station WITN. 

Crews responded to the site after sweet potatoes ignited inside of the dryer at about 1 p.m., officials told the broadcaster. Firefighters from six departments were called to the site. No injuries were logged during the incident. 

WITN said a silo fire at the facility in 2015 burned for several weeks.

Natural Blend, a part of Ham Farms, specializes in the dehydration of vegetables and fruits for the human and pet food industries, information on the firm’s website said. The 27,000-sq-ft plant in Farmville includes two storage silos, a produce washing station, two commercial grade dicers, two large industrial dryers, and a staging area for final products. 120,000 lb/day of finished products are produced at the Farmville site.

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