Improved Combustible Dust Explosion Isolation System 8876Improved Combustible Dust Explosion Isolation System 8876
March 16, 2016

The REMBE EXKOP isolation system has been improved and is available for many more applications: for ST 2 dusts; reduced explosion pressures (Pred) of up to 2 bar; and larger diameters.
Why Isolation?
Isolation is essential to protect adjoining system components against the spread of combustible dust explosions. Tanks, silos, and other equipment are usually connected by pipelines through which, if an explosion occurs, fire and the pressure spread very rapidly. In addition, the intensity of the explosion in connected containers is increased by pressure piling and flame jet ignition.
This sequence of events can be prevented by this isolation system, consisting of a control panel and one or more quench valves. The integrated elastomer seal within the quench valve closes within a few milliseconds, triggered by a signal from an explosion panel, a Q-Rohr-3, Q-Box II, an infra-red signal, or pressure/temperature sensors.
The quench valve can be safely put back into operation again at the press of a button. The
The EXKOP system is fail-safe and easy to test/reset.
REMBE Inc., Charlotte, NC 704-716-7022
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