Improved Combustible Dust Explosion Isolation System 7147
January 22, 2015
REMBE has provided combustible dust explosion protection systems for more than 40 years. An effective means of isolating enclosures to prevent further spread of explosion pressure and flames must be an integral component of such a system. The new and improved EXKOP system is available for many more applications: for ST 2 dusts, reduced explosion pressures (Pred) of up to 2 bar and larger diameters.
The system provides safe, economic, and easy explosion, spark, and flame front isolation. The pinch valves protect interconnected equipment by high-speed closure of a fast-acting food-grade elastomer hose and is triggered by a signal from an explosion panel, a Q-Rohr-3, Q-Box II an infra-red signal or pressure/temperature sensors. The EXKOP system is fail-safe and easy to test/reset.
REMBE Inc., Charlotte, NC 704-716-7022
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