Hazmat Shipping Resources for Total Regulatory ComplianceHazmat Shipping Resources for Total Regulatory Compliance

October 30, 2014

3 Min Read
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Regulations for the transport of dangerous goods are constantly changing and this evolving landscape is requiring more and more companies to review and update their employee training and shipping procedures. Labelmaster, a leading provider of solutions for hazardous material transport compliance, offers a comprehensive lineup of updated hazmat books this quarter designed to promote the safe and secure transport of dangerous goods.

“Our resources help companies – big and small – make sense of and comply with the complex and ever-changing regulations governing dangerous goods transportation,” said Jeanne Zmich, vice president of regulatory research with Labelmaster. “Shippers can find the publication they need by browsing our extensive library of resources that allow businesses to stay compliant, mitigate risk, and achieve safety and operational efficiency.”

Hazmat regulatory publications in print and digital formats available from Labelmaster include:

* A.I.R. Shipper (now available) – Written from the shipper’s perspective, A.I.R. Shipper, a Labelmaster exclusive publication, provides up-to-date information on international air regulations for shipments of dangerous goods. The book features extensive content, helpful cross-references and easy navigation. It is aligned with UN recommendations for the international transport of dangerous goods and features the same chapter order as ICAO’s Technical Instructions, IMDG Code and ADR to further facilitate the shipping process of dangerous goods by air.

* Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (now available) – This new edition covers the adoption of new markings for organic peroxides, marine pollutants and limited quantities as well as the addition of a definition for “overpack.” The publication is written for Canadian shippers and carriers as a quick reference to Transport Canada’s dangerous goods requirements. The Canadian regulations have been harmonized by Transport Canada with both international and U.S. regulations.

* Early 49 CFR (estimated availability 11/10/14) – Available six months earlier than the government release, this exclusive publication from Labelmaster covers requirements for markings, labels, placards, shipping papers, training, emergency response, and packaging standards for domestic transportation regulations for highway, rail, air and water. The book is a must for shippers, carriers, or freight forwarders and those handling hazardous materials or hazardous waste.

* IMDG Code (estimated availability 12/5/14) – IMDG Code contains the rules and regulations that define the legal transport of dangerous goods by cargo and passenger ships and is published by the International Maritime Organization. IMDG Code includes definitions, classifications, and specifications for labeling, marking, documentation, training, packaging, and testing of dangerous goods, and has special designations, identifying substances harmful to the marine environment.

* MasterRegs 49 CFR (estimated availability 12/10/14) – This exclusive Labelmaster resource highlights regulatory changes for easy training of anyone who handles hazardous materials or hazardous waste, or is a shipper, carrier or freight forwarder. The resource covers requirements for markings, labels, placards, shipping papers, training, emergency response, and packaging standards for domestic transportation regulations for highway, rail, air, and water.

* Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
(estimated availability 12/31/14) – ICAO Technical Instructions covers air freight shipments and has been amended to align more closely with the latest revised edition of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.

For more information on Labelmaster’s library of resources, call 800-621-5808 or email [email protected]. For in-depth information on the evolution of regulations for shipping dangerous goods, view the new Labelmaster video series at www.labelmaster.com/masterseries.

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