Stick-It Vibrator Mounting System

May 8, 2013

1 Min Read
Stick-It Vibrator Mounting System

Stick-It vibrators use an ultra-powerful venturi air-mount system that creates positive suction for high vibrator performance and vibration transfer. Using the Stik-It mount gives bulk material operations an high level of flexibility to apply vibration to material flow problems, without the expense of welding. The Stik-It simply installs via a steady air supply. An optional Air-Saver accessory is available. The Stick-It is ideal for use in areas where bolting, welding, and other invasive mounting styles are impractical or impossible including mobile hoppers, tote bins, temporary material flow problem spots, and hopper clean outs. These versatile mounts can be used in conjunction with a wide variety of vibrators.
Vibco Vibrators, Wyoming, RI 401-539-2392

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