NTEP-Certified LegalWeight Rail ScaleNTEP-Certified LegalWeight Rail Scale
November 18, 2014
The Schenck Process LegalWeight is a dynamic weighing system designed for the weighing of railcars in motion. The design utilizes instrumented concrete weighing ties equipped with high precision load cells that accurately measure vertical force. Installation of the weighing system is done without a pit and is mounted directly on top of the ballast reducing overall installation time to two days or less for most applications.
The LegalWeight weighing system is integrated into the existing rail without any gaps or joins in the rail. With installation of the ties taking hours, track downtime is greatly reduced compared to older designed pit type scales. LegalWeight can operate legal-for-trade at weighing speeds up to 14 mph.
A weighing range of over 300,000 lb per car is possible and measured with the use of weighing electronics and customized PC systems. The electronics can withstand temperatures of -22 to 122°F and offer lightning and over voltage protection, making the newly approved legal-for-trade railcar weighing system ideal for use in harsh environments.
Schenck Process, Whitewater, WI 800-558-0184 www.schenckprocess.com
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