Highly Sensitive Metal Detection SystemHighly Sensitive Metal Detection System

August 21, 2017

2 Min Read
Highly Sensitive Metal Detection System
Mettler-Toledo Safeline’s Profile Advantage system

Mettler-Toledo Safeline’s new metal detector produces up to 95% less false rejects by combining Multi-Simultaneous Frequency (MSF) and Product Signal Suppression technology. The Profile Advantage system is ideal for overcoming “product effect” in bakery, meat, poultry, seafood, ready meals, and dairy food.

For years, finding the smallest metal contaminants has been a challenge. Product effect (where a product's own characteristics inhibit a metal detector's ability to inspect products with a high moisture or salt content, variable temperature, or packed in metallized film) has reduced detection sensitivities significantly below the levels achieved when inspecting dry non-conductive food products.

Using a sophisticated inspection algorithm, Mettler-Toledo's Profile Advantage metal detector all but removes product effect from the process. The result is up to 50% improvements in spherical sensitivity levels, compared to conventional metal detectors, enabling smaller metal contaminants to be detected in products that are wet, hot, chilled, cooling, or packaged in metallized film.

Central to the Multi Simultaneous Frequency (MSF) technology of the Profile Advantage is the 3S algorithm and its Product Signal Suppression feature. Unlike conventional metal detectors which simply capture and store the active product signal, the Profile Advantage modifies the signal during setup so that the food product presents itself as if it were a dry product without product effect. As such, the detector is a valuable tool for inspecting meat, dairy, and bakery products that contain a high degree of moisture - a factor that triggers many false rejects in conventional metal detectors.

Traditionally the solution to this problem has been to set the sensitivity of the metal detector lower to eliminate false rejects, thereby limiting its ability to detect all contaminants. By suppressing those false signals, the Profile Advantage inspects products at full sensitivity, ensuring more effective inspection, and maximizing product safety. Meat and poultry producers, for example, typically see false reject rates associated with product effect reduced by up to ninety five per cent when trying to detect the smallest metal contaminants.

The Product Signal Suppression feature is not only able to cope with challenging applications of wet, moist, high salt content products or those that are in a state of flux cooling or thawing, but also with products packaged in metallized film. This packaging type has traditionally made it more difficult for detectors to compete with other types of technology on performance. However, with MSF technology, the Profile Advantage can meet or exceed factory inspection standards on all metal types and delivers considerably higher performance when detecting aluminum contaminants.

Mettler-Toledo Safeline Ltd, Tampa, FL 800-447-4439 www.mt.com/pi

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