Editor's Choice 88Editor's Choice 88
April 4, 2007
Plastic Pellet Screeners
These Plastic Pellet Screeners utilize a horizontal gyratory/reciprocating motion and an exclusive dual-velocity drive with a positive-displacement stroke to achieve removal of oversize and longs. Four times as long as vibratory screeners, the long-stroke gyratory motion spreads pellets evenly across the full width of the unit. The motion then stratifies the material for efficient removal of fines and separation of oversize from the on-spec pellets. Good pellets are not removed with the oversize. Since the motion contains no vertical component, long pellets, “toothpicks,” and “jackstraws” remain flat on the screen deck. They cannot upend or pass through the screen with the on-spec pellets.
Rotex Inc., Cincinnati, OH 800-453-2321 www.rotex.comSlider/Roller Bed Conveyor
The Pan Idler series is designed as a combination slider/roller bed conveyor for transferring bulk materials. Typical applications include conveying small free-flowing products such as seed and grain as well as bulky products such as ear corn, wood chips, or recyclable materials that are contained by the frame rails. Frames can be provided with concave and convex radius curves to meet specific requirements.
Chantland-MHS, Humboldt, IA 515-332-4045 www.chantland.comBelt Scale
The Milltronics MBS belt scale provides dynamic weighing information for process indication. The basic, modular, medium-duty belt scale is suitable for applications involving aggregates, sand, gravel, or crushed stone. Designed with an accuracy of ±1.0%, the unit features high-performance parallelogram-style aluminum strain-gauge load cells, providing instant response to vertical loading. Horizontal forces such as belt drag or idler friction do not affect belt-scale accuracy. Additionally, the unit is not affected by uneven belt loading or high belt speeds. The load cells are durable, with load-cell overload protection that is factory set at 150% of load-cell rated capacity.
Siemens Energy & Automation Inc., Alpharetta, GA 215-646-7400 www.sea.siemens.com
Multiscale Analog Communication
Analog output communications are available for the HI 3030 series of multiscale weight controllers. A –2AN option provides two independent outputs with a choice of gross, net, rate-of-change, or mapped total weight as both current (0–20 or 4–20 mA) or voltage (0–5 or 0–10 V dc). The HI 3030 can hold up to two cards, providing a total of four independent analog outputs. As with the company’s other interface option cards—Ethernet IP, ControlNet, Allen-Bradley RIO, and Profibus—all HI 3030 parameters can be mapped to the analog outputs. Each analog output can be assigned to any of the instrument’s four-scale channels.
Hardy Instruments, San Diego, CA 800-821-5831 www.hardyinstruments.com
For critical microweighing applications, the ME36S Microbalance offers a combination of precision technology and ease of use. With a readability of 1µg and full resolution throughout the entire weighing range up to 31-g capacity, the ME36S performs even in applications in which ultrasmall samples must be weighed into heavy or bulky tare containers. The display is separated from the weighing unit for improved weighing accuracy without interference from elevated temperatures or drafts. Adaptable to any work situation, the unit is equipped with a flexible draft shield system for automatic operation at the touch of a key. Intelligent learning provides precise movement in specialized applications. The ME36S seamlessly integrates into existing quality-management systems, and a complete software package with built-in application programs provides improved flexibility with accuracy and efficiency.
Sartorius, Edgewood, NY 800-625-2906 www.sartorius-usa.com
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