Streamlined Containment for DedustersStreamlined Containment for Dedusters

June 29, 2016

2 Min Read
Streamlined Containment for Dedusters
PTI offers modular high-containment and WIP/WOL solutions for its PharmaFlex iSeries dedusters.

Pharma Technology Inc. (PTI) now offers a variety of modular high-containment and WIP/WOL solutions for its PharmaFlex iSeries dedusters. The newly streamlined features, including dust-tight level 3 occupation exposure banding (OEB) standard to all machines, offer modular contraction with bolts on high-containment and Washing In Place/Washing Off Line (WIP/WOL) modules (both OEB Level 5 rated).

These, as well as additional modular features, can be incorporated into both new and existing PharmaFlex iSeries deduster/metal detector combination units, resulting in increased flexibility and time savings. In the past, a high-containment or WIP/WOL unit had to be built with a special sealed cabinet requiring a six-month lead-time. The new streamlined containment protocol enables the mounting of these features on new built-in iSeries units in less than three months. Retrofitting existing iSeries dedusters can be performed in an even shorter timeframe.

Additional modular features available for PharmaFlex iSeries Dedusters include:
•    Dedicated high containment valves for tablet inlet port, air inlet port, and final tablet discharge after metal detector
•    HEPA air filter for air inlet
•    Interchangeable elevating spiral segments with molded closed cell polymer seals that do not require removal for cleaning
•    Pressure decay test (negative pressure must be maintained in deduster and metal detector for 360 seconds)
•    Continuous negative pressure monitoring during operation
•    Turnstile mechanism allowing for the introduction of metal detection test pieces into the metal detector chute without opening the system or breaking containment
•    Automated auto-check system to continuously verify the accuracy of the metal detector head – the captive test pieces in the side channels of the round metal detector chute
•    Clip & Cut continuous liner with double clip system to collect tablets rejected by metal detector

Pharma Technology Inc., Piscataway, NJ 973-668-3197

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