SFC Cartridge Dust CollectorSFC Cartridge Dust Collector

October 7, 2014

1 Min Read
SFC Cartridge Dust Collector
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The SFC cartridge dust collector effectively removes fugitive dust and harmful pollutants resulting from common powder and bulk solids manufacturing processes, including batch mixing, bulk powder handling, chemical, food, and pharmaceutical processing. High-efficiency ProTura nanofiber cartridge filters in the system capture submicron contaminants. Features include patented pulse-cleaning technology, greater air capacity, and quick and easy maintenance. Situated inside a facility or outdoors, these high-performance, energy-efficient cartridge dust collectors are expandable in the field to meet increased capacity needs at any time due to their modular design.
United Air Specialists Inc., Cincinnati, OH 800-252-4647 www.uasinc.com

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