Pulse-Jet Roof Access Bin VentPulse-Jet Roof Access Bin Vent
June 12, 2015

Schust Standard Products introduces the Liberator pulse-jet roof access bin vent (PVR) that brings pleated filter technology to container venting and dust recovery.
PVR provides additional filter surface area in a compact design for high-efficiency applications involving storage bins, silos, or conveyor transfer points. The Schust PVR is shipped completely assembled for rapid installation. PVR units install directly on bins and silos via the supplied flanged inlet. Ductwork is eliminated and installation expenses reduced.
The Liberator PVR compact advanced pleated design provides increased filtering capacity for high-efficiency application flexibility. Filters are changed from the clean side of the collector housing. Operators are not in direct contact with toxic or valuable collected product. Fugitive emissions associated with dirty side change-outs (typical cartridge collector) are reduced. Standard pressure rating certified to +17 in. water gage.
Schust Standard Products Div., Auburn, IN 260-925-9800 www.schust.com
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