New Compact Dust Collector Offers Explosion ProtectionNew Compact Dust Collector Offers Explosion Protection
September 15, 2015

The new Quad Pulse Package PX dust collector from Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC) offers high performance in a compact unit designed for pharmaceutical, chemical, and other processes that produce hazardous dusts in high concentrations.
The collector has a cleanable filter system that facilitates continuous manufacturing processes and eliminates frequent costly filter replacements. Measuring 49 in. wide x 42 in. deep x 87 in. high, the space-saving unit can be conveniently positioned on the production floor. Constructed to provide the highest explosion protection in accordance with NFPA standards, it can be located indoors with no need for additional explosion safety devices.
Thanks to a segmented cleaning process performed during operation, the Quad Pulse Package requires just a single primary filter cartridge. The high-efficiency primary pleated filter comes in a conductive (anti-static) nano fiber or PTFE media and offers excellent dust release for extended life, energy savings, and reduced change-out schedules. It also prolongs the service life of the second-stage filter, a HEPA H14 filter (based on European standard EN 1822) that provides 99.995 percent efficiency to capture the finest, most harmful dust particles. Using materials from the aerospace industry, the HEPA filter functions as a tested flame and contamination barrier. In addition, the pressure-resistant housing maintains integrity with no damage during an explosion event.
Additional features include:
• For hazardous dusts requiring full containment to protect workers and prevent cross-contamination, a bag-in/bag-out (BIBO) system is available to ensure safe-change at all stages: primary filter, HEPA filter, and dust discharge.
• An integrated fan provides the required suction and is insulated within the unit for quiet operation.
• Indoor installation capability reduces the need for long duct runs and allows easy access for all maintenance functions.
• Pharmaceutical applications for the Quad Pulse Package PX collector include tableting, mixing, blending, granulation, drying, coating, filling, and packaging. Non-pharmaceutical uses include a range of chemical and other applications characterized by low airflow requirements for combustible dusts.
Camfil APC, Jonesboro, AR 800-479-6801
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