Editors' Pick: Powder & Bulk Solids Texas Conference SessionsEditors' Pick: Powder & Bulk Solids Texas Conference Sessions

These are our choices for must-attend sessions at the event.

Kristen Kazarian, Managing Editor

August 7, 2024

4 Min Read
PBS Texas editor picks sessions
PBS Texas editor picks sessionsalempkht/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

Whether you are a seasoned process engineer or new in the field, Powder & Bulk Solids Texas Conference has a lot to offer.

Below is our editor picks list of conference sessions over the two-day event. Some are designed for newbies in the field of dry processing & bulk solids. After the more basic sessions, feel free to attend intermediate sessions. Other classes are geared more toward seasoned engineers who have the basics down.


TUESDAY, Sept. 10

New in the field? Start with these sessions:

Basics of Bulk Solids Conveying & Feeding

This session covers the various ways to convey dry bulk solids, including dense phase and dilute phase pneumatic conveying, mechanical conveying; and feeding technologies, including volumetric and gravimetric feeding technologies.

Basics of Dust Collection
Covering the first principles for dust collection system design, the session will include essential terminology, components of a dust collection system, and basic design calculations. 

Fundamentals for Powder & Bulk Solids Handling Reliability

A very popular session, it will focus on powder technology awareness of flow problems, flow patterns, and flow testing.  

Panel: What I Wish I Knew When I Started in the Processing and Bulk Solids Handling Industry

PBS industry experts review the ins and outs of the industry and tips they wish they knew when starting their careers. 

For seasoned engineers:

Bulk Solids Flow Testing for Storage Applications

Introduces bulk solids’ flowability by discussing the testing used for storage applications. Material testing to quantify cohesion, wall friction, and bulk density included.

Efficiency and Quality Improvement in Pneumatic Conveying and Feeding

The challenges of throughput, energy efficiency, and product quality as well as environmental aspects will be addressed. And technologies to solve these challenges will be discussed.

Solving Costly Bulk Solids Segregation Issues at Processing Facilities

This intermediate session covers how, where and when segregation occurs, and provides effective methods to measure segregation and solve issues.

Trouble Shooting Dust Collection Systems from Case Studies
This presentation will utilize multiple real examples of how malfunctioning dust collection systems can be properly diagnosed and “cured.”  



Women in Processing Panel – for everyone

A group of women experts in the processing field will discuss challenges, solutions, and trends in dry processing and bulk solids handling.

New in the field? Start with these sessions:

How to Select a Mixer/Blender and Avoid Common Sampling Mistakes
This session will cover types of mixers/blenders and common solutions to sampling issues. 

Ethics in Engineering

(Required for Professional Development Hour credits.) In the field of engineering, ethics are fundamental and non-negotiable. Mostly lacking in our engineering education is the importance of the ethical principles that guide engineers to prioritize safety, sustainability, and public welfare in all our professional activities. This session will cover ethics and what you need to know.

For seasoned engineers:

Combustible Dust Safety - From Pilot Plant to Production

Introduces the hazards of combustible dust as they relate to the scale-up process from pilot plant operations to production, and provide an overview of combustible dusts hazards, a review of pertinent codes and standards in the US, and a review of common pitfalls in the process.

How Material Characteristics & Conveyor Designs Impact the Performance of Conveyors and

Overall Bulk Material Processes

The session will cover the most important material characteristics any equipment manufacturer prefers to have and why, along with different features and design concessions that are made to compensate for difficult material or lack of information.

Solid Solutions: Advancements in Logistics of Bulk Solid Recyclables
Review of the current status of recyclable solid materials logistics and highlighting gaps to achieve an economy of scale that would allow us to reach the 2030 Global Sustainability Goals. 

Critical Tips for Effective Design and Troubleshooting of Bulk Solids Feeders

This is an intermediate session that builds on the fundamentals of the Storage/Flow session.

Things that Go Wrong with Combustible Dust Explosion Safety Design: A Case Study Point of View
An understanding of the causes and consequences of explosions in industrial plants followed by a brief overview of the design and selection of the common protection equipment used to manage the hazards and the reliability inherent with certifications and standards.

Attendees can receive up to 7 Professional Development Hours, including required Ethics credits.

Visit PBS Texas for the full schedule and to register.

About the Author

Kristen Kazarian

Managing Editor

Kristen Kazarian has been a writer and editor for more than three decades. She has worked at several consumer magazines and B2B publications in the fields of food and beverage, packaging, processing, women's interest, local news, health and nutrition, fashion and beauty, automotive, and IT.

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