Deduster Offers Increased OutputDeduster Offers Increased Output

August 4, 2015

1 Min Read
Deduster Offers Increased Output
PTI manufactures tablet dedusters and capsule polishers combined with metal detectors and loading systems.

PTI manufactures tablet dedusters and capsule polishers combined with metal detectors and loading systems for pharmaceutical solid dose production, and is offering the enhanced PharmaFlex iSeries Deduster. The latest model features several upgrades over its predecessor, including an output increased by up to 20%, a more efficient dedusting process, and enhanced resistance to prolonged heat, alcohol, and industrial detergents exposure. It offers all innovations available with the original PharmaFlex range of dedusters, whose high-tech materials and design allow dust extraction to take place on the spiral’s outer circumference, as close as possible to the path of the tablets. The result is an increased dedusting capacity compared to traditional units.  
Pharma Technology Inc., Piscataway, NJ 973-668-3197

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