Bühler Aeroglide Introduces Drying Innovation

May 24, 2017

2 Min Read
Bühler Aeroglide Introduces Drying Innovation
Bühler Aeroglide Ceres Plus

Bühler Aeroglide announces a new hygienic drying innovation for processing coated cereal and granola snacks. The Ceres Plus offers a symmetrical all up-flow air in a dual-plenum configuration, processing with the consistent air flow. Standard modules offer three- and five-door heat zones, as well as ambient air and conditioned air coolers.
With an external combustion chamber and 2100-mm-wide belt, the Ceres Plus also provides easy cleaning access. It retains the most critical hygienic solutions of the original Ceres, the result of a close collaboration with cereal processors around the world and a real step-change in the technology used for drying coated cereal and granola snack products.
“For the processor of a coated cereal product, thorough hygienic cleaning along with downtime are the top considerations,” said Steve Blackowiak director of food safety, research and development. “The Plus answers these needs with a continuous belt wash system located at each transfer, allowing the operator to clean belts during production with a scraper and air-knife system. This combined with dozens of other hygienic features means the customer can be confident that the highest levels of hygienic requirements are being met.”
The Ceres Plus has an open frame constructed with 2B stainless steel and TIG welding, an improvement over traditional MIG welding. This construction reduces growth areas for bacteria, eliminates back-to-back frames, and reduces field welding. Improved doors seal against moisture with 4-in. insulation, continuously welded. Furthermore, an insulated slab roof and floor assist with water management while 2-in. pitch bedplates with one-piece construction reduce collection points for debris. Finally, direct drive fans improve efficiency and reduce noise.
Bühler Aeroglide, Cary, NC 919-278-2864 www.buhlergroup.com

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