50+ Trade Associations Call on Congress to Act Against Recent EPA Regulations50+ Trade Associations Call on Congress to Act Against Recent EPA Regulations
The letters focus on the TSCA and IRIS programs.

More than 50 trade associations recently sent two letters to Congressional appropriators sharing industry concerns with recent regulatory actions by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and how the agency’s policies will impact American innovation, manufacturing and jobs.
Members of the American Alliance for Innovation and a coalition of several trade associations representing a broad spectrum of industries across the manufacturing sector that work to improve US chemical management policy, signed the letters calling on the Appropriations committees to exercise their oversight authority of EPA as Congress moves forward with the FY25 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies funding bills.
The first letter highlights the challenges with the EPA’s ongoing implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) amendments and offered lawmakers recommendations to get the new and existing chemicals programs working to support the Biden’s administration’s goals to increase domestic manufacturing and the onshoring of critical supply chains.
The second letter focuses on the EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program and the Agency use of flawed and inadequate IRIS data to regulate chemicals critical to the supply chain. Established in 1985, Congress has never authorized the IRIS program.
Language to address the challenges with these programs has been added to the Interior Appropriations bill, which will be brought to the House floor in a few weeks.
You can read the TSCA and IRIS letters here and view the complete list of trade associations.
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