Work Starts on New Feed Mill and Grain Science ComplexWork Starts on New Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex

September 18, 2019

2 Min Read
Work Starts on New Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex
Image courtesy of Iowa State University (ISU)

Iowa State University (ISU) held an event on Sept. 13 to mark the start of construction work on the Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex in Ames, IA, the university announced in a release Monday. The 10-acre site will include a feed mill tower, feed milling and mixing structures, grain storage bins, warehouse and an educational building with classrooms.

“The feed, grain, and livestock sectors are key to the success of agriculture in Iowa,” Wendy Wintersteen, the president of the university, said in a statement. “As a top land-grant university, Iowa State is at the forefront of critical and cutting-edge research, education, and extension programs that support these important sectors. The Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex will provide the space, facilities, and technology to strengthen our ability to carry out our mission.”

Slated to open in the summer of 2021, the mill has a planned initial capacity of 20,000 tn/yr of feed. In addition to the feed technology, grain science, and animal nutrition classes and short courses that will be held at the complex, the facility will also conduct research.  

Food, feed, and grain processing firm Kent Corporation provided $8 million in funding in 2017 to help get the project off the ground. Sukup Manufacturing contributed $2 million in support, and California Pellet Mill (CPM) committed $2.6 million. The Iowa Corn Promotion Board also provided $4 million. 

“The Kent Corporation Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex will be a world-class, state-of-the-art facility used by faculty and staff to prepare students, train industry professionals and confuct impactful research that will make Iowa State a recognized leader in support of the feed industry,” said Daniel J. Robinson, holder of the Endowed Dean’s Chair in ISU’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, in the release.

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