Mosaic Fined CN$85K after Worker’s Leg Crushed in ConveyorMosaic Fined CN$85K after Worker’s Leg Crushed in Conveyor
March 23, 2017

The Mosaic Co. was ordered to pay a CN$85,400 fine by a Canadian provincial court after pleading guilty to violations of occupational health and safety laws relating to a February 2014 incident where a worker’s leg was crushed in a conveyor at a Mosaic potash mine in Saskatchewan, several news organizations reported Thursday.
The Plymouth, MN-based Fortune 500 company pled guilty in a March 2017 hearing to “failure to ensure that all equipment used at the Mosaic Potash Colonsay mine was designed, constructed, installed, maintained, and operated to safely perform any task for which the equipment is used,” the Saskatoon Star Phoenix reported.
Fines of $61,000 and a surcharge of $24,400 were issued by the court in sentencing.
“We are never happy when there is any sort of injury on our sites,” Mosaic spokesperson Sarah Fedorchuk told the Star Phoenix in an emailed statement. “We have analyzed and taken corrective action to ensure that an incident like this doesn’t happen again.”
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