GEAPS Offers Basic Grain Operations CourseGEAPS Offers Basic Grain Operations Course
December 10, 2019
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and the Kansas State University Distance Education Program are offering an entry-level online course on grain operations basics that includes an overview of the main types of grain elevators, how grain moves through the facility and the main functions of common grain facility equipment.
Running from Jan. 7-Feb. 11, “GEAPS 500: Introduction to Grain Operations” provides basic but comprehensive information about operations and handling procedures at grain facilities, and serves as an introduction to new hires, students and others in need of beginner-level training. Stressing safety, it focuses on how grain moves through a facility, and covers main elevator types; components and equipment; grain receiving procedures; sampling, testing and grading; binning; housekeeping and maintenance; fumigation; outbound procedures; and other fundamental grain facility functions.
The course aims to provide basic and practical information about the most common grain facility operations, serving as a primer for those who could benefit from an introductory look at the grain handling and operations profession. The course also is intended to cover the most common hazards at grain facilities, and to emphasize safety at all facility levels and operations.
New hires or recently employed operations staff, non-operations staffers who need to learn more about storage and handling procedures, front-line supervisors with responsibilities for training, students, interns, and other people considering jobs or careers in grain operations are encouraged to attend the course.
The course costs $700 for GEAPS members and $965 for non-members. Registration closes on December 31.
For more information, click here.
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