EPA Seeks Comments on Draft Label for Dicamba Formulations

May 31, 2016

1 Min Read
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting public comments through Tuesday, May 31, 2016 on the draft label for dicamba formulations for use on deregulated dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton (Docket # EPQ-HQ-OPP-2016-0187).  

Dicamba controls a large number of broadleaf weeds including those resistant to glyphosate. There are limited options for selective postemergence broadleaf weed control in those crops. Dicamba is a tool for managing resistance to multiple herbicide modes of action. This product can support conservation tillage by allowing postemergence weed control of difficult to control weeds in no-till and minimum-till soybeans and cotton.  

Dicamba should not be used as a stand-alone solution. It should be used in an integrated weed management system with other herbicides. Tank mixes are necessary to provide good weed control and avoid the development of dicamba-resistant weeds. Large buffers in all directions around the field make dicamba impractical and may result in areas becoming a refuge for herbicide-resistant weeds. Wind-directional buffers along the label stewardship measures are adequate to reduce drift potential to nearby crops.

Your comments can make a difference with EPA officials. Take a moment to submit a comment to protect access to new weed control technologies that will keep U.S. agriculture competitive. Please try to personalize the comments by adding information about your business and the farmer customers and areas you serve.

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